Web server error codes

List of Web server errors that every webmaster should know.

Here is the list of web server errors that one would normally see it in the browser. The following list shows the error code returned as well as gives a breif explanation on the error codes.

400 Bad File Request –    Means the syntax in the URL is Wrong (EX: Case sensitivity; Puncuation).

401 Unauthorized –    Server is looking for some encryption key from the client and is not able to get it. Moreover wrong password might have been used. You can try it again, keeping case sensitivity in mind.

403 Forbidden/Access Denied –    Same like 401 error code. Need permission to access the site. A username/password if it is a registration issue.

404 File Not Found –    Server is not able to find the file you are requesting. File has been moved or removed. It might also be a case that your entered the wrong URL or a wrong file name.

408 Request Timeout –    Client stopped the request before server finishes retrieving it. Occurs when server is  slow or file is too large.

500 Internal Error –    Cannot get the file because of problems in the server-configuration. You can contact the site admin.

501 Not Implemented –    Server does not have the requested feature implemented.

502 Service Temporarily Overloaded –    Server overloaded/congested. Could be due to too many connections at the same time or high traffic.

503 Service Unavailable –    Server is busy right now, or the site has been moved. In other cases you might have lost your internet connection.

Connection Refused by Host –    You don’t have the proper permissions to access the page.

File Contains No Data –    Page shows nothing. There might be errors in the file.

Bad File Request –    Browser does not supports the form or coding in the requested file.

Failed DNS Lookup –    DNS could not be translated into a valid internet address.

Host Unavailable –    Server down. Hit refresh or try later.

Unable to Locate Host –    Server down, You lost your internet connection or typed in a wrong URL.

Network Connection Refused by the Server –    Server busy.

In next post I will try to write about showing fancy error pages rather then the normal ones that the browser shows to your users.

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