Many website administrators and webmasters are competing to get more traffic to their website. Getting more traffic means that the site should have good SEO (Search Engine Optimization), so that the site will appear on the top list of search engine result. Learning about SEO is quite hard. You have to do many experiments and researches to get the best placements for your site. But there is a technique that has been believed as the most effective way to increase site’s traffic.
The effective way is to create excellent content on your website, because today, many search engines have been developed to get the search result from the website content. So people will get what they really want on the search engine. Many website administrators who want to get more traffic only by editing their meta-tags, they will surely disappoint their visitors and lose the visitor forever.
There are tips to make good content for your site. The first is to make sure that the keyword you are using is included in the content of your site, but you should be careful about the keyword density, because you can be banned if there are too many keywords repetitions in one page. And don’t forget to spare your time to do some research about the topic you are going to write. Your research result will give you additional fresh idea on how to develop your article.