Surprising Ways to Make Your Business More Sustainable

Let's be real, no one needs another article telling them to switch off the lights when they leave a room or recycle their papers - we've all been there, done that, and got the (organic cotton) T-shirt. Instead, we're going to look at some of the more surprising things you can do to make your business more sustainable and appeal more to the increasingly environmentally conscious consumers out there.…

How To Setup Hot Link Protection On Your Server

Hotlink protection is a technique used to prevent other websites from directly linking to your website's assets (such as images, videos, and other media) on their own pages. This can help you save bandwidth and ensure that your content is only displayed on your own website. The exact steps to set up hotlink protection may vary depending on your web server software, but here's a general guide:…

How To Code Better in PHP

While opinions on the best programming language for web development vary, and more than often PHP gets a bashing for the same. But PHP has maintained its popularity due to its extensive documentation, vast community support, and seamless integration with web servers, making it a strong choice for building dynamic and interactive websites. Its wide adoption and continuous updates have contributed to a rich ecosystem of frameworks and tools that cater to various web development needs, solidifying PHP's position in the web development landscape.…

5 Ways Businesses Can Be Careless in Their Approach to Tech

As businesses, we can all fall into bad habits from time to time. These bad habits over time can be detrimental to the business. When we are careless we are exposing ourselves to risks and vulnerabilities that need addressing instantly. In terms of the technical aspect of our business, there is just so much that we can neglect. Partly this is because it is for many an alien concept. But if you want to minimise carelessness, here are some ways most organisations demonstrate it:…

Good Practices To Use in CSS Design

Use a reset or normalize styles. A reset or normalize stylesheet can help to ensure that your styles are applied consistently across different browsers and devices. This can help to avoid inconsistencies and bugs, and can make your styles more predictable and reliable.…

3 Reasons NOT To Rent An Office For Your Business

Renting an office may seem like an obvious choice if you run a business. After all, you need somewhere for your employees to work together. In this scenario, we're assuming that working from home doesn't work well for you. You tried it, and it failed. You need office space, but should you rent it instead of buying or building somewhere to work?…