Many people agree that blogging is successful if we have high blog ranking and can get many visitors. Some blogs allow comment as a feedback from the readers, but we often find business blogs which have many ‘tenants/merchants’ to be placed in a particular space. Some blogging site and software already offer the way to maintain this, especially if we have paid for a subscription.
What will happen if our blogs hosted by a site that does not allow feedback comments from our visitors? We can use such programs as ForumUp. This allow us to attach our ownfree forum on our blog. It means your readers can click on the link and post the comments on our attached forum.
Comments section beneath our blog is so important because it can be one of the best sources of inspiration for content for the blog; it can create an argument that lasts for ages. This of course can trigger fresh content. Editing the commentary section can be considered as part of the blog owner business. It will be better if our blog is on a free host that we can edit any feedback that is posted.
Although I myself don’t allow comments. Some blogs do benefit from comments being posted by the users. But then I have my own issues with comments.