The easiest way to make your site get higher ranks in Google search result is to edit your meta-tags or your HTML code of your website. Before editing meta-tag, of course you have to learn about HTML code. But you do not have to worry a lot, as there are many tutorials on the internet about HTML code, and meta-tag is really simple thing to do. I am sure that everyone is able to change meta-tags of their website’s HTML code.
Meta-tag is effective to get high traffic for your website. By choosing right keywords, you can get tons of visitors visiting your website. This is good, but in other hand, you need to provide good content and make sure that your selected keywords in your meta-tags match the content of your site as well. You really do not want to make the visitors disappointed after finding out that the site’s content is too far different with the meta-tag description of the site.
This is why meta-tag, despite of its effectiveness of getting traffic, should also accompanied with good site content to give satisfaction to the visitors, so that they may come back or bookmark the site for future visit. Using trick to get more traffic is okay, but being tricky is not really appropriate.