How to check if your website is fully optimized for the search engines

Having a well-designed website is just half of the task of ensuring that your new website is able to power charge your sales performance and rake in more profits for your business. You must also invest on the necessary tools so that your site ranks high in search engine results, and the key to achieving this goal is search engine optimization.

Having your site optimized for search engine is one thing, and making sure that your site if truly optimized for search engine is another thing. When you decide to have your site optimized by a freelance web developer in London, it’s important that you have a checklist of “must-haves” to ensure that your web developer understands what you want.

Critical elements required in getting search engine results shall include:

1. Content – Content is king: this probably is the most overused phrase when it comes to selling the idea of search engine optimization. We have to remember that this is actually the heart and soul of SEO. Among all the things that need to be present in order to optimize your site for the search engines, your content is probably the single most important element that you must focus on. You have to make sure that your clients see your clear edge over the competition in terms of the extent and quality of content of your site. Otherwise, you will only see increases in your bounce rate and not on your online sales.

2. Title Tag – It is essential that you keep your titles as engaging and simple as possible. They must be able to stir the interest of your readers. Titles that carry a strong punch is what you will need in order to keep visitors to your site and glued to your sales pages. In addition to this, you must also remember that your title must address the secondary as well as tertiary needs of your other keywords on the pages of your site. This will also ensure that your pages will have the sufficient pull for more click-throughs from visitors who are randomly searching sites for relevance.

3. Default Meta Description – While you may have awesome content in your pages, there is a great possibility that it can be diffused or vague. The Meta description shall help your target client searching for topic specific content with the relevant snippet in search engine result pages.

4. Transference and Link weight – The amount of links that deliver value to the pages of your site are what pushes your pages past your ardent competitors on the Net. From one specific standpoint, this event is anchored on the simultaneous occurrence along with the current state of your reputation and momentum. In which case, any link that provides value shall be the link that the search engines will assess in as far as importance, prominence and relevance are concerned. This is made possible through your internal links, inbound links from popular sites and pages within your site with its topic titles and tags.

While there are definitely other things that you have to include in your checklist when assessing whether your site is optimized or not, these four elements are the key variables that must be present if you want your site optimized for the search engines.

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