I had already turned my blog comments OFF from the day one. But still I thought about reading the ideas of other bloggers. To my surprise I found out that some bloggers are going off the edge and saying “A blog is not a blog without comments”
I have my personal feelings about blog. It might be good to have comments and discussions on our blog. It also generates more content for the blog and it also allows people to communicate with each other. On the other hand it also allows spammers to spam the hell out of descent blogs.
I think discussions and other things are good where they should be on the forums. There are many forums out there which are really encouraging discussions.
No offense but this were just my personal thoughts on blog comments. It might have proved to be beneficial for many of us and it might have been total disaster for others who spend most of their time scanning and approving good comments out of bulk spam comments. So an innocent blogger just wastes his time approving and disapproving the comments rather then focusing on making his blog posts.
The only reason I have my blog here is that I just wanted to blog about my experiences and if you are just like me and do want to post your personal ideas and interests then what is the need for discussions and debates on it. I know you might be tempted to make a comment right here on this issue for the comments but sadly I do have comments turned off.