On the surface, marketing sounds easy, right? You simply have to tell someone that your service is worth using, and that your products are good. That’s it.
But of course, like anything in business, the truth is much more complicated than that. There’s a reason why even the biggest firms we all already know, like Coca Cola, spend millions in marketing each year to make sure they never leave the cultural consciousness.
For this reason, it might be that your marketing approach has been shallow or rather too simple in the past. If you feel that you’re willing to try a new strategy, learning to pivot can be a healthy option.
But how can we avoid marketing difficulties, as well as the common pitfalls that come to the layman in this field of expertise? In this post, we’ll discuss the common mistakes that first-time marketers often make, and how to avoid that for your own business. Without further ado, let’s begin:
Audiences Take Years To Build, And Hours To Dissuade
It’s very important to note that a consistent brand image can be subverted in a matter of moments if you’re not careful. For instance, let’s say that a tired manager responds with aggression to a seemingly vitriolic and notable false bad review about the business. Lacking in professionalism, even if though they might be ‘in the right,’ they have curated a negative public perception of a company that cannot accept criticism of any stripe. As such, consistency is key, and as marketing for lawyers’ services point out, this is especially important in sensitive fields.
Your Messaging Is Not Necessarily Perfect For What You Do
This insight is especially important in growing and new industries. For instance – consider the CBD market, a topical ointment, oil or treatment that many are starting to consider as a worthwhile dietary supplement. However, because of its association with its main plant, CBD can sometimes be marketed as a super cool, hip and youthful enterprise.
But it’s true that many elderly people or those with conditions like epilepsy are encouraged to use it as a topical treatment for aches or to manage seizures – so would they best respond to the ‘dude-bro’ culture that permeates the industry? As you can see, sometimes refining your messaging and language (perhaps with a marketing service or copywriter) is worth a second look.
Your Industry Determines How Receptive People Are
It’s also a good idea to consider how the industry influences your marketing insight and what that even means in the long run. For instance, consider a health product firm providing worthwhile products for bulk-purchase in businesses, like essential hand sanitiser, face masks, and more. What kind of language can be used here outside of thorough clinical copy? Sometimes, working within the framework expected of you is not bad, and it’s not a sour means of limiting yourself.
With this advice, you’ll see how it’s important to never take marketing insight for granted. Over time, you’ll stabilize your image and benefit as a result.