Have your head firmly wrapped around the SEO thing is great for getting tons of traffic to your website, but it’s all going to be wasted energy if you don’t find a way to convert this traffic to purchases. It’ll be useless, pointless, frustrating, annoying and unwise, all rolled into one big ball.
That’s why we have pulled together this article. To lay out the most proven strategies for boosting your conversion rates or, as we like to think of it, subtly shaking down every visitor until they cough up something in return for a browse. After all, that’s what it is all about. That’s what all your hard work at the front end was intended for.
1. Less Info Is Best
If you’ve got an email opt-in form on your website, the worst thing you can do is ask the reader for their life story, from what their favourite subject was at school to how many goldfish they have owned in their life. The trick to a successful form is to have the minimum amount of fields possible. Only ask for the information that is absolutely necessary. Everything else will work against you.
2. Guarantee What You Can
People like knowing there are certain guarantees in place before they cough up any money and none is more effective than a no-questions-asked refund policy. It takes the risk out of things from the buyer’s point of view, not to mention the hassle too. Trust us, the increase in sales will be much more than any returns you get. It always is.
3. Learn What’s Going On
One of the best things you can do is educate yourself on the behaviours of your customers and the best way to do this is using CRO, which you can learn all about from PRWD. What these programmes do is provide measurable improvements to your key website metrics, helping you to gather continuous learning about your customer behaviour. It’s a must-have.
4. Nail Your Calls To Action
Content will always be king. That’s how the phrase goes. But that doesn’t just refer to the content on your website or the fact you have a business blog, it refers to the calls to action you use, which are what prompt visitors to go ahead and click that button you want them to click. “Grab yours now” and “reserve your space” and “before stocks run out” – all of these spur people on instinctively.
5. Headlines Are Everything
The headline is always, always the most important piece of writing. It doesn’t matter what the context is, your headline needs to be spot on. It needs to be enticing and intriguing and worth clicking on. If it’s not, then the rest of the content won’t be read. It’s that simple. So, write out a dozen options and then pick the best one.
6. Give Your Brand A Human
People want to know they are dealing with a human when they come to your website. They want to know there is a person with a beating heart behind the facade. That’s why you need to humanize your brand as much as possible. That could be with some creative copywriting that knows just how to use the right amount of humour or it could be a simple video on your landing page. So long as people get that feeling of personality, they will be far more trusting of you.
7. Give ‘Em Social Proof
People want to know that you’ve helped other people before. They want social proof. They want to know that you offer the best hotdog and are not that dodgy vendor who always gives people food poisoning. How do you do this? Testimonials are one way. But another is to show people just how many social media followers you have. Not only will this make you look less risky, it will increase your conversion rate too.
8. Don’t Be All Hype
Once upon a time (before millennials changed the consumer market), using hype-based copywriter was all the rage and that’s because it worked. But people have become too savvy to fall for this weak attempt at marketing. Lose the hype. All of it. Then, once you’ve done this, speak to that creative copywriter who humanised your brand and have them focus on clear and concise writing, made compelling by a bit of humour and whatnot. Anything that compels visitors to buy what you’re selling and not scaring them off with your ego. It’s the essential move that no one tells you about, and it works wonders.