How To Grow Your Company With Healthy Corporate Culture

Corporate culture is the unspoken rules and traditions of a corporation. A strong corporate culture attracts and retains employees, which helps keep your organization growing. A strong corporate culture also attracts potential customers. In this digital age with video content dominating screens, Corporate Video Production allows companies to expose their human side. Let’s take a look at why corporate culture is important and why your customers need to see it.

It’s easy to be swept up in the success of a big company. But saving money and hiring quickly can lead to trouble down the line. By saving a couple of bucks on office supplies or IT services, a team might cut corners that will cost them hours of work later on – not just from their own mistakes but also from those imposed by a negligent vendor.

Similarly, bringing someone onto the team without conducting a proper reference check could mean added tension and resentment among group members if there are personality clashes. And rushing through the onboarding process could have consequences down the road if new hires don’t get their paperwork in order or miss out on crucial benefits.

All these examples speak to the importance of having an efficient, healthy corporate culture – one that promotes productivity and satisfaction.

Managing Culture

Culture management is a challenge for any fast-growing company. A new hire, especially someone from outside the organization, might not see potential problems right away – and might even contribute to them during their onboarding process. For example, an employee aiming to fit in might adopt some of the misbehaviours that others engage in daily without thinking about the drain it places on the culture as a whole.

When companies aren’t proactive about maintaining solid corporate cultures, they can experience absenteeism, turnover, and poor morale among their employees – showing up as higher costs for recruitment and training and decreased productivity. This ultimately hurts customer service, leading to unhappy customers who are more likely to leave for another company.


The earlier a company can establish good corporate cultures, the better off they are. When job candidates are hired into an organization that has already established its culture, they’re drawn in with expectations of how people will behave around each other and toward customers. As the employees bring on new hires, they may face initial resistance but eventually become assimilated into the group if their employment experiences follow the same patterns as everyone else’s. On the other hand, when teams experience culture shock upon hiring new employees who don’t fit in, it creates chaos during onboarding and down the road as team members don’t work well together or share responsibilities properly because of personality clashes or clashing work styles.

Bumpy Ride

Once a company has worked out the kinks and put systems to create and maintain a strong corporate culture, it can reap the benefits. Employees engage more frequently in teamwork, goal setting and interpersonal communication; they also take greater pride in their work. This means happier employees and increased product quality and customer satisfaction, both of which ultimately lead to improved business results.


However, if companies lose sight of what helped them get to where they are today – for example, dropping training exercises or conducting fewer reference checks during onboarding – then their cultures stand to fray at the edges until they’re redefined by new hires who come with different attitudes about work and life. It’s up to those at the top to maintain healthy corporate cultures by reminding themselves and their teams why these practices are in place. It’s also up to them to put systems that promote good company culture when new hires join the group.

Prevention is Better

Cultural hazards can’t always be avoided, but companies must take every preventative step they can and encourage employees to report destructive behaviours. By doing so, they establish a clear message about what is considered acceptable, and by extension, what isn’t – protecting both their interests and those of customers and other stakeholders. Employees will find that working in an environment with no surprises regarding what is tolerated (and expected) makes for a smoother work experience overall.


When an organization takes its culture seriously, it puts itself in a better position to weather tough times. Having strong corporate cultures not only helps organizations grow but also protects them from decline. By committing to these shared beliefs with their teams, companies can experience improved results and smoother workflows – helping ensure they stay competitive and achieve success for years to come.


Organizational values are essential for companies trying to maintain healthy workplace cultures. Companies need reminders about why they have these corporate values and tools in place that will help them teach the importance of their values to new hires. Having a system for employees to speak up without fear of getting in trouble will help companies learn about things that aren’t going well and make changes.

Incorporate these five easy steps to maintain a strong culture in your business.

1. Promote Performers: Reward those who make the needle move in your business and let go of those who don’t. Those people who make the employees and customers happy should be promoted. At the same time, those who are not pulling their weight or causing problems should be let go. Managers must realize that encouraging the right people will keep the business running smoothly and promote customer satisfaction.

2. Protect Your Culture: Once you establish a strong culture, it is vital to protect it. One of the hardest things for a manager is confronting someone with legitimate complaints and letting them go. But, it is one way in which the corporate culture remains strong. Depending on what kind of employee you are, it can be challenging to let someone go. But if they do not fit into the company culture, it is best to realize this early on and let them go before they cause more problems. If you wait until things escalate, you could be putting other employees in danger.

3. Promote Trust: It is crucial to make sure your employees are working for the benefit of the business. If you are pushing your employees too hard, this could cause them to sabotage or become disinterested in their work. The result will be damage to the business and a hostile work culture

4. Measure Results: To maintain robust and productive company culture, you must measure results. Have your employees track their progress and let them know that this information will make work easier. If they are not achieving their goals or are struggling, you can help them out without punishing them.

5. Don’t Micromanage: One of the biggest complaints from employees is that their managers incessantly check up on them. If you are supervising a task and it doesn’t seem like the person is making progress or having trouble completing it, step in and consult with them. But if you cannot trust your employees to do their job, they may not be suitable for the position.

These are just some of the ways you can maintain a strong corporate culture in your business. It’s what makes your company unique and distinguishes it from others, and it influences how employees do their jobs.

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