If you are a small business or website owner that has been considering online advertising, you’ve probably given some thought to Google’s AdWords program, which allows virtually anyone to purchase advertisements on Google’s search results pages. Users tend to like these advertisements as they are very relevant to what they are searching for online. Let’s take a brief look at AdWords and how you can get up and running in just three steps!
Register and Get your Account Going
Registering to start running ads on Google is pretty easy. Simply head to the AdWords website and fill in all of the relevant information to get started. You will need some form of credit card to fund the advertising costs, so bear that in mind. Also, Google supports the vast majority of countries in their AdWords interface but you may find that in some countries additional information or verification is required to prevent fraud.
Choosing your Target Keywords
Keyword research is likely going to be the most difficult piece of mastering Google AdWords. The Keyword Tool built into the AdWords interface will make things a bit easier, but you will still need to sit down and choose which search terms that you want your ads to be showing up for. If you sell blue widgets, you certainly don’t want your ads to show up under “Widget Repairs” or “Blue Donuts” as those users aren’t looking for your products. Your “Quality Score” will also suffer if your ads are less relevant to searchers, which will drive your costs up.
Writing your First Ads
Finally you’ll need to write your first ads. As you likely already know, the headline is the most important part with any advertising piece. Try to craft a headline that answers the question that the user is asking with their keyword search. For example, if someone is searching for “best blue widgets” then a suitable headline might be “The Best Blue Widgets Around” or “Looking for Great Blue Widgets?”. There’s no limit to how many ads you can create, so play around with multiple headlines to see what works. Getting started with Google’s AdWords advertising interface couldn’t be much easier. It will take some time to learn all of the ins-and-outs of building profitable campaigns that convert a large percentage of your visitors, but stick with it and over time you will see that AdWords is one of the best online advertising tools available.