Hello, Hi and Happy New Year to all my readers. Had been online looking for more revenue generating ideas. Bumping myself here and there I landed on TNX.net, was searching for some legal white hat technique for generating revenue for my sites. The very first thing I liked was that there was no hassle in registration form. Simple to the point fields and there you go.
At first it might look a bit tough for a new member but here is something that might help a newbie to understand the system. What you get here is something like TNX credits. As of now there is a promotion going on and upon registering you can get upto 5000 TNX credits for free. This credits can be used to get links from other sites in the TNX network. You can read more about it here on the Digital Point thread itself : http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=477444
You also earn more credits for every link spot on every page of the website where you have integrated the TNX Code. This credits you can use to get more backlinks from other sites or you can sell this credits and make money.
Now how this is not a link sales that the search engines hate so much. I personally don’t think this is link sales as in common link sales the seller and buyer don’t care what the link is about and just do it for the money. In some cases they do care a bit about it but still it is considered as a link sales. While in TNX they allow publishers to choose which advertiser they want to display on their pages and thus the publisher is himself giving a vote to that page which is quite natural thing to do. That is how so many links had came into existence. I would definitely call it as editorial endorsements from the publisher. I would even call this as a link exchange but with credits involved in it so that someone doesn’t gets what he was worthy for.
In end I even checked the Affiliate program of theirs and found that there is a no catch affiliate program which allows us to earn credits in our account. No bans, no restrictions. In fact I am using the banner right here on this post itself, because I am sure I can use it the way I like it and this will be a good program to join as a webmaster or as an advertiser. To join this program or read more about it you can directly go to the affiliate program page over here: http://www.tnx.net/partner.php
Well that’s all said and done for today. If I will find something interesting that might be beneficial then I will make another post.