Well I know DMOZ is overloaded with submissions and as a moderator of some forums I myself know what volunteering for some stuff means when you are overloaded with work. I posted about DMOZ getting back online recently but never got chance to submit my blog on it.
Once I was checking out a friend’s blog and saw that his blog was listed in DMOZ in 8 months or so. I thought let me also submit it. Maybe my chance will also come in some months. So I went there. Surfed a bit and made a list of all relevant categories in a notepad where my blog could be submitted. After selecting 12 or so categories I re-read the whole list and deleted the ones I thought were not so good.
In end I settled with the one that was really relevant.
I thought for some minutes and came up with a nice description and title for my blog’s listing in DMOZ.
Submitted it.
Luckily maybe the editor was also online at that time and to my surprise he might have approved my listing right then and there. 🙂
Now my blog is listed in DMOZ and without any hassle. I have learnt a lesson from it and now only submitting the most appropriate sites in most relevant categories in it.