How To Make Your Workplace More Welcoming

Some places of work are upbeat and loud. Others are austere and all about getting down to the business of it all. The best workplaces are happy, warm, and inviting to everyone from the employees to the customers and clients. But, you may ask, how do you make your space a welcoming one? Continue reading to find some tips that will prove useful for your business.

Maintain a Clean and Organized Space

Keeping your workplace clean is crucial in the current climate of easily transmittable viruses. When your employees are able to safely operate in a clean and sanitized space, they will have fewer sick days resulting in continued productivity. When your staff is on a consistent rotation of missing work due to illness, it becomes difficult to maintain continuity with projects as assignments keep getting passed between co-workers or shelved altogether.

Hiring a commercial cleaning company is the best solution to meet the needs of having a continuously clean place to conduct business. It is easier and more effective to outsource this essential task rather than assigning it to an employee. Professional cleaners will get the job done better, quicker, and more efficiently while being effective.

Part of having a clean space is having an organized one. In order to stay organized, there needs to be an expectation among your staff that they keep their respective workspaces tidy. With that in mind, ensure you supply them with the items they need to maintain the requested organization. Things to consider are:

  • Bookshelves
  • Filing Cabinets
  • Conveniently located recycling and garbage bins
  • Bulletin Boards or Whiteboards
  • Docking Stations
  • Extension Cords
  • Cable Organizers

Warmly Welcome Clients

Welcoming your clients is as important as keeping your employees content. You want the people who choose to do business with you to feel comfortable when they enter your workplace. Some key points to consider are:

  • Anchor an employee at the entrance to the building. Place a reception, concierge, or information desk so anyone who enters will encounter it immediately upon entry. Hire an employee for the position of inviting and greeting guests and answering questions. This staffer will guide the clients to meetings, etc.
  • Create a seating area. Within the reception area, add comfortable chairs and couches. Include warm lighting and plenty of outlets. Adding USB outlets will show an attention to detail that your clientele will both appreciate and take notice of.
  • Offer a selection of beverages. Place a fridge within the reception space. Stock it with favorites such as bottled water, iced coffee in cans, and sparkling drinks. Include a coffee station with recyclable or compostable coffee pods. Add a variety of flavor mix-ins to make it more fun.
  • Show you care. Let your clients and customers know that your company cares about their well-being and the environment. Strategically place recycling bins throughout your offices and in the reception area.

Watch this video for proactive tips on how to welcome new clients to your business.

With a little effort, you can make your place of business one where both employees and clients enjoy spending time. Outsource what you need and create something you will be proud to show off.

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