How Technology Has Changed Communications

From the days of the humble wind-up telephone to now being able to turn on your coffee machine on the way home from work using an “app”, the times they are a changed.

In the field of communications, technology has completely revolutionized the world, and not just in telecommunications but in public relations, client engagement, and emergency management the world will never be the same again.  This has a direct impact on how you should be conducting your business now and the good news is that is not nearly as complicated as you might think.


It wasnt that long ago that all the news we consumed came from a broadsheet paper that was sold by a kid shouting “extra, extra”, now we have seemingly endless amounts of information and news at our fingertips. We can access data and information and cross-reference all of it to make sure that its authentic, within seconds. Consumers have never had it so good and for business, this is potentially good news too.

Your takeaway from this? You can instantly communicate news about your brand to virtually millions of possible consumers in seconds. The part to be aware of? Bad news can spread just as fast.


Technology has made it possible to collaborate with suppliers, producers, manufacturers, and clients around the corner from you or around the world from you and this is where communications are really benefiting the business landscape. Gone are boring public relations campaigns that remained stubbornly 2 dimensional until fairly recently, now you can create communications campaigns that offer you the possibility of dialing into your end-users at the point of purchase or delivery. With ever-increasing data capabilities, speeds, and levels of access, technology in communications has brought us all a lot closer together. The evolution of “cloud tech” is going to integrate this process even further. Still, it is great to see that “newest” doesnt always win out, and sometimes keeping it simple still wins out. Cyber Communications provides radio communications amongst its product stable that help public officials in their quest to protect the public.


We now have lightning-fast internet speeds in major urban centers all over the West and this means that were able to get to the points of information that we need to, to make the decisions that we want to a lot faster too. This is important because it means that we can respond to client queries or concerns a lot faster or respond to changes in market conditions with changes to production lines in virtually real-time. Cross-country and cross-global network systems are integrated to the point of no return and this is very good news for industries like agriculture, flower farming, and organic food supply.


Smart communications allow us to get instant feedback and real-time engagement with our clients in ways weve never been able to even comprehend before. Now we dont have to wait for clients to call an after-sales service or customer service department, thanks to location devices and “opt-in” apps, we can know when a product has been bought and when it arrived at home, right through to interactive service level assessments. Our online capabilities have also increased beyond borders or human limitations. Online we can run our entire lives without having to leave the couch, so it is important to take care of online security too.

If youre the type of business owner that finds all of this intimidating and there is no need. As the world is changing around us, so too are the possibilities for us to change with it and always remember that technology exists at its best format for us, and seeing how the big players are changing the game, provides ample inspiration for us too.

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