Hello and welcome to a small tutorial for making your simple yet powerful website. The tools you will need for this are quite easily available. No fancy stuff involved as I am keeping it very simple one to get you started.
Required Softwares:
1) Notepad
First of all make an empty folder called “site”. You can make it anywhere but lets make it on your desktop.
Now open your Notepad. Usually it is in your Start Menu>>Programs>>Accessories
Save it as “head.php” in the “site” folder that you just created.
Now put the code below in it.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN”>
<title>YOUR TITLE HERE</title>
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″>
<meta description = “YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE”>
<meta keywords = “YOUR KEYWORDS HERE”>
<table width=”780″ border=”1″ align=”center”>
<td colspan=”3″> </td>
<td width=”200″>
<a href=”index.php”>Home</a><br>
<a href=”about.php”>About</a><br>
<a href=”info.php”>Info</a><br>
<td width=”380″>
Save the file “head.php” after putting the code above in it and close the Notepad.
Now open up Notepad again and put the code below in it and save it as “foot.php”
<td width=”200″>Right Side Banner Place here</td>
<td colspan=”3″ align=”center”>Footer Text Here</td>
Close the “foot.php” after saving it.
Open up another Notepad and save it as “index.php”
Put the code below in it.
Write your main page content here
Save the “index.php” file and make 2 copies of it.
Rename one copy to “about.php” and another to “info.php”
Open “index.php” and put the main page content where it says “Write your main page content here” save it and close it.
Open “about.php” and put the about page content where it says “Write your main page content here” save and close it.
Same way with the “info.php” file open it and put the info page content where it says “Write your main page content here” save and close it.
You can play with the content or with the menu side in head.php. While to show some banners you can edit foot.php and put in some banners that will be shown on the right side of the website. Also don’t forget to edit the text in the foot.php where it says “Footer Text Here”
You are done with your first website. Now the colors and images etc is all upto you. But this will get you started with a basic skeleton of the website.
Next time I think I will continue with the usage of images and generating dynamic pages itself.