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Joined Ebay Auction Ads

I have been seeing ebay auction ads on the internet but didn't had that kind of sites that could perform well enough with this kind of ads. Today I met one of my old friends and he said he has managed to pay off his pending bills. (Which I knew was a lot) How by running auction ads on his 400 sites network. It was some work though. He gave me his refferal link and I joined below him trying it out here on this blog of mine and other shopping networks which have shoppers traffic to it. My own auction ads referral link is here: Auction ads…

Affiliate marketing techniques

If you have tried putting on affiliate banners and are not satisfied with the results then this article is for you. If you are planning to make a new website or monetize the existing one with affiliate earnings then this article might help you out. Moreover I think that you are already interested in generating a steady income from your affiliation and that is why you are reading this article. So here we will see somethings about making a new website which can be monetized with affiliate sales. If you have an existing one then also you can make some changes accordingly and it will work.…

Webmastering as a profession

I started my webmastering in 2004 and after 18 months I accidently came across an article which in short did sent a message that a person who is doing the business should have the knowledge of the services or the product which he is selling. I assumed it and translated it in my mind that only an engineer's son can do something in engineering and only a cobblers son can open up a shoe factory. I was bit confused but then I am still confused on that one. What I concluded afterwards was that I should be knowing what I want to do and if I have the knowledge of the business that I am going to do then it will prove to be more profitable for me and my business side.…

Big Web Links Directory

Lately, many of you would have seen bidding directories. They are popping like mushrooms all over the internet. I was like "oh what ...!!!" But then it hit me when I did checked the amount of effort and money the owners are putting in marketing it and bringing in the traffic.…